Conditions Treated By Blepharoplasty Surgery

Blepharoplasty is a service provided by a cosmetic surgeon in which the contour of the eyelid is the primary focus. The surgery is used for corrective measures or enhancements that change the shape and size of the eyes. Factors which lead to these requirements are age, genetics, and environmental circumstances. If you wish to determine whether this procedure is right for you, contact your preferred cosmetic surgeon today.

Correcting Eye Deformities

Cosmetic Surgery is an option for correcting deformities of the eyelid. The most prominent conditions that are deemed medically-necessary congential or cause a conflict with the patient’s vision. Ptosis is among these conditions. Patients, with this condition, experience drooping of one or both eyelids. As it progresses, the patient loses some peripheral vision and may face difficulties with driving or reading.

In cases in which the condition is congential, the child could suffer developmentally. He or she could change their posturing in attempts to focus on objects away from them. Blepharoplasty is an Aesthetic Surgery used to correct this condition and Double Eyelid Surgery eliminate vision limitations for these patients. Adults who develop it with age, however, can receive the procedure for sagging eyelids as they age. The only drawback is that it isn’t considered necessary unless it affects their vision.

Correcting Entropion in Non-Asian Patients

Entropion is the inward turning of the eyelid. In this condition, the crease disappears and the eyelashes rub against the cornea. This issue could lead to consistent eye infections and possibly ulceration. The tear ducts may also overproduce tears due to frequent irritation. Blepharoplasty is used to create a crease in the eyelid to lift it away from the cornea.

For non-Asians, the condition is not caused by genetics initially. However, heredity could play a role. For Asian patients who lack a crease in the eyelid due to genetics, the process is used for cosmetic purposes. The procedure creates larger eyes and the eyelashes more visible.

Excessive Whiteness Under the Iris

Ectropion is the exact opposite of entropion. The conditions lead to dropping of the lower eyelids. Whileaging plays a role in the development of this condition in most cases, its origin could be due to an underlying medical condition. The condition is possible for patients with Bell’s palsy, Down’s syndrome, and as the result of an accident in which the lower lid was damaged. This same procedure is used to correct this polar opposite as well.

If you’re considering aesthetic services for correction, you should consult your medical insurer to determine whether the procedures are covered. In most instances, any condition in which blepharoplasty is medically-necessary is typically included in your insurance policy. For more information about cosmetic services, you should contact your preferred cosmetic surgeon today.